How the Cognitive Space Changes Across Development

How does our perception of milk drastically shift from infancy to adulthood? The same transformation occurs with various concepts. Initially, we might generalize, assuming every dog is named after our childhood pet. However, with time, an appreciation for diversity emerges as we recognize each dog's unique name and breed. This adaptability, reflecting the flexibility of our minds, allows us to shift our mental representations and cognitive space in response to new information. Such changes in cognitive processes are evident in children's communication. While they may grasp differences in their cognitive space, expressing these nuances effectively could be challenging. It prompts the question: do children comprehend these variations in their mental landscape but struggle to articulate them, or is there a disparity between understanding and expression in their evolving cognitive space?

The Role of Questions in Developing Mental Frameworks

I'm also super curious about the role questions play in shaping our mental models. We ask questions in all kinds of ways: asking ourselves questions, asking temporal selves questions, asking others questions, rhetorical questions, etc. To do so, we are constantly adopting new mentalistic frameworks, and integrating the best parts of each to inform a revised model. Specifically, I'm curious how this pertains to childhood; the questions kids ask during playtime, when they're just pretending questions, and the endless questions parents ask us when we're tiny tots. 

Model Selection vs Model Updating

I'm super intrigued as to when/how/if we adopt new mental models as we obtain new information versus updating previously existing models. Under what circumstances do we discard certain models or model branches? When do we construct new models? And what implicit forces underlie all of these cognitive processes? I'm especially interested in the methods children use to do all of these processes in such a quick and efficient manner

Economics & Psychology

Lying at the intersection of my two majors, I'm deeply intrigued by the interplay between economics and psychology. Concepts like the free-rider problem, prisoner's dilemma, and diminishing marginal returns in individuals fascinate me. Exploring these intersections offers valuable insights into how economic principles influence human behavior and decision-making, enriching my academic journey with diverse perspectives.